How To Naturally Optimize Your TKR Success
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Guest Post: Marie Buckner of Booktoots’ Healing
Hi everyone. I receive many inquiries from readers wondering how to naturally optimize TKR (aka total knee replacement) success. Doing as much as you can, before and after your surgery, will pay dividends beyond your wildest dreams. It will put you back on the road to living a healthier lifestyle. So….
Eat Healthy
Your meal plan can help or hinder your TKR recuperation success rate. Remember that moderation is the key. Eat as much fresh produce as possible from a rainbow of colors. The brighter the color, the more antioxidants. To put it simply, antioxidants “fight the bad guys” and are nutrient kings/queens.
Severely limit your consumption of processed foods.
Keep your blood sugar level by consuming small meals (snacks) throughout the day. Blood sugar determines your energy levels.
Develop A “Can Do” Attitude
Your train of thought will help or hinder the entire TKR process. If you go into the endeavor with a “I’m dreading, hating, despising this” mode of thinking – you’re doomed from the beginning. Train your mind for success.
It is natural to have some negative thoughts at times. You are undergoing a life-changing, arduous surgery that requires the proper attitude to accomplish immense sacrifice, fortitude, and determination. If you think you cannot do it, you will be correct. It’s known as a “self-fulfilling prophecy”.
I was regularly surprised by the amount of people in physical therapy who would convince themselves that they’d fall, trip, or lose their balance. They weren’t “smart enough”, “strong enough”, etc. Sure enough, some did fall to prove themselves correct.
Take a look at this inspiring story of real-life cases of children surviving by using an “I Know I Can Do It” attitude, click here:
Start Doing Exercises Before Your TKR
The stronger your leg muscles are before your TKR, the easier your recuperation will be. Take a look around this site for some helpful exercises. Or, search the Internet for helpful sites like the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons for further insight.
Diligently Do Your Physical Therapy Exercises During Rehab
This is the toughest part of any TKR recuperation. You need to do guided exercises that focus on all your leg muscle groups. You need to “rebuild” your strength, endurance, and flexibility. And, it will be painful and trying. PT stands for “pain and torture”, you know. It will be worth it.
Continue Exercising After Your TKR
Yes, that’s correct. Once your TKR physical therapy recuperation office visits end, do those exercises at home. Keep on doing them on a regular basis.
Your TKR success is up to you!
This site is owned and operated by Marie Buckner, a published author and TKR patient who has been living with various health conditions for over 40+ years. She enjoys sharing her experiences to help others going through the same thing.
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